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About Bexstar

Hey there, fellow gamers and art lovers! My name is Bexstar, and I'm thrilled to welcome you to my gaming and art world.

Gaming has been my passion since I can remember. When I'm not gaming, you'll often find me exploring the world of tattoos and art.

Tattoos have become a canvas for me to express my gaming adventures and personal inspirations. Each tattoo tells a story and represents a cherished memory from my gaming journey. Alongside tattoos, I'm deeply passionate about various forms of art. Whether it's Watercolours or Textured, art allows me to unleash my creativity and imagination.

Here at, I combine my love for gaming, tattoos, and art to bring you a unique experience. Explore my collection of gaming-inspired artworks, discover custom tattoo designs, and join me on live streams where we can chat about games, tattoos, and everything in between.

Let's connect, share our passions, and celebrate the exciting intersection of gaming and art. Join me on this adventure, and together, let's level up our creativity!


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